Ready to book?

If you are ready to organise your place at Kidz Place, you can request a registration pack below and one of the team will be in touch.

Want to know more?

First, read through the information below, then contact us if you wish to know more.

  • The online registration forms must be completed before your child’s first day.

  • Please label all clothing and items being brought to the club.

  • Suitable clothing for indoor and outdoor activities is required: sun hats & sun cream during warmer days, or warm clothing & a waterproof when the weather is cooler or more variable.

  • Please inform the office and club of any medical or contact detail updates if anything changes.

  • If your child is attending an extra curricular club, please inform manager of this.

  • If you child is absent from school, please also notify Kidz Place

  • We can collect your child later from school if they are attending an extra curriculum activity at school

If you’d like to discuss a childcare place, please contact us using the form below



0151 338 5454 or +447592902060

find us

Kidz Place, 83 High Street, L15 8HF